Kimiagaran Pasargad

Concrete spacer

Concrete spacers are one of the key components in the construction industry, used to maintain proper spacing between different elements during concrete pouring. These spacers are designed to provide greater strength and prevent the displacement of rebars during concreting. Below, we take a brief look at the features and importance of concrete spacers.

Concrete Spacers: An Overview

Concrete spacers, or rebar spacers, are used to create a gap between concrete and rebar in reinforced structures. Additionally, these spacers are used to create gaps between two rebars or in foundations, between stirrups, and concrete forms.

Concrete spacers with high compressive strength provide sufficient concrete cover and significantly enhance the lifespan of concrete structures. The use of concrete spacers helps reduce the detrimental effects on concrete caused by using non-concrete spacers.

There are two main types of spacers used in the industry: plastic spacers and concrete spacers. Due to their higher strength and being made of the same material as the concrete itself, concrete spacers are a better choice for builders.


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Types of Spacers

Spacers are generally divided into two main categories: plastic spacers and concrete spacers. Each type has its specific advantages and disadvantages, used in different applications.

Plastic Spacers: These spacers are made from durable and lightweight plastic materials. Their main advantage is being lightweight and lower in cost compared to concrete spacers. However, their drawback is lesser resistance to high pressures.

Concrete Spacers: These spacers are made from concrete and have very high strength. Advantages of concrete spacers include high resistance to pressure and harsh environmental conditions. However, due to their heavy weight and higher cost, they are used in specific applications.

Advantages of Using Concrete Spacers

Using concrete spacers in the construction industry has numerous benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

Maintaining Proper Distance: Concrete spacers help engineers and builders maintain proper spacing between rebars and other concrete-pouring elements. This ensures that the concrete is evenly distributed, enhancing the structure's strength.

Increased Strength: By using concrete spacers, rebars are properly placed and prevented from shifting during concreting. This increases the structure's strength and reduces the likelihood of concrete cracking.

Resistance to Environmental Conditions: Concrete spacers have high resistance to harsh environmental conditions such as moisture, heat, and pressure. This feature increases the structure's lifespan and reduces the need for repairs.

Various Applications of Concrete Spacers

Concrete spacers are used in a wide range of construction projects. Some of these applications include:

Residential and Commercial Buildings: In constructing residential and commercial buildings, concrete spacers are used to maintain proper spacing between rebars and increase concrete strength.

Bridges and Tunnels: In bridge and tunnel construction projects, concrete spacers play a crucial role in enhancing the structure's strength and durability.

Water Structures: In constructing water structures such as dams and canals, using concrete spacers is essential to increase resistance to water pressure and prevent concrete cracking.

Important Considerations in Choosing and Using Concrete Spacers

To choose and use concrete spacers optimally, consider the following points:

Choosing the Right Type of Spacer: Depending on the project type and environmental conditions, the right type of spacer (plastic or concrete) should be chosen. Each type of spacer has its specific features and applications that need careful evaluation.

Using Quality Spacers: Using high-quality and standard spacers increases the structure's durability and strength. Avoid purchasing cheap and low-quality spacers.

Maintaining Proper Distances: To ensure the structure's strength and prevent concrete cracking, maintaining precise distances between rebars and spacers is very important.


Using concrete spacers in the construction industry is of high importance. These spacers ensure proper spacing between different concreting elements, enhancing the structure's strength and durability. By choosing the right type and using concrete spacers optimally, resistant and durable structures can be built.


In summary, concrete spacers are one of the key components in construction that play a significant role in increasing the strength and durability of structures. By following important considerations in choosing and using these spacers, resistant and durable structures can be built.

This product, or concrete rebar spacer, produced by Kimiyagaran Pasargad, is manufactured and offered in line with international standards and competitive quality.

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